Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012! Love, Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt

My BFF is pretty cool.

For those of you who don't know Ali Chastain, you're missing out. This Boulder bound College Cuisinista/health go getter/DJ lovin'/computer savvy/Hummable creator has been my best friend since the fourth grade and will be forever. The photo that she tweeted today with caption "BFF <3" is one of the reasons why I love her, she is always so appreciative of what she has and never takes anything for granted.

Click on the embedded links above to experience all of her coolness.

Cheers to 2012, a new blog, and a new me

Every day I come across pictures, people, music, quotes, moments, etc. that inspire me, especially on blogs. Blogs are my escape, my motivation, and my inspiration, and oh boy are they great.

As 2012 draws near, I have been spending some quality time thinking about my new years resolutions which I am so excited about. I feel that I have grown so much this semester as a person, but want to continue striving to be the best person I can possibly be.  New Years resolutions are always so exciting because you can give yourself a fresh start and fresh outlook on life. As you reflect on the good and the bad from the previous year, you can decide what things you want to work on and what goals you want to achieve in the year to come.

One of the things I have been wanting to do all year is blog, but I never got around to starting a new one. So, finally, here it is! Here's to 2012, a new blog, and a new me.

We Bought a Zoo

Let's just say I saw it for the second time today and am anxiously anticipating my third with my Grandmother this weekend. I have been ranting about this film since I saw it and here are my reasons why:

1) Jonsi. If you don't know who he is, well you should probably YouTube him right this very instant. I think he is the most talented musician out there and apparently Cameron Crowe does too, which is why he asked Jonsi to compose the score for the film. There were several moments in the film where Crowe's use of Jonsi's music were just absolutely breathtaking, the kind of moments you don't want to end. Jonsi makes everything come alive. He is simply magical.

2) Rosie, the world's cutest little girl, ever. "Say peaches!"

3) Matt Damon. Another excellent performance to add to the list.

4) Not only was the film so very heartwarming (I cried the entire way through), but it is incredibly well written and everything seems to tie together perfectly. I'm not going to give anything away, so you will just have to pick up on the script's cleverness when you (hopefully) see the film! Why not?

5) We Bought a Zoo is based on the true memoir by Benjamin Mee (played by Matt Damon) and a real zoo, Dartmoor Zoological Park. How cool?!

 Matt Damon with the real Benjamin Mee!

Check out the song Gathering Stories from the film which was actually co-written by Jonsi Birgisson and Cameron Crowe. It's been on repeat the last three days.


Peter Broderick

So in love with this hauntingly beautiful song I recently discovered by Oregon native Peter Broderick. A perfect addition to any sleep playlist, which is what I should really be doing right now... I came across him while looking at this blog, which I also highly recommend, and just can't get enough. Enjoy and sweet dreams.